-I promise to serve my country with care and consideration, without excuses.

-I will protect our land and its people, in every respect, from villains and offensive persons.

-I will carefully reflect upon and take to heart all decisions and debates of national importance that come my way.

-I swear to promote the health of our national soil for the next four years and promise to clearly state my intentions in the President’s annual New Years Address, broadcast throughout the nation.

-I will place art in the forefront, as art is an international language necessary and communicable to all.

-I will promote the nation to good works and encourage the populace to set favorable examples for our children with positive and constructive attitudes.

-I will go all the way.

© Snorri Asmundsson
Kosningasjóður. Reikningsnr.: 303-26-77777 Kt: 131166-4199